Donald Trump Has At Least $1 Billion In Debt, More Than Twice The Amount He S...

deafguy55     October 18, 2020 in ASL 42 Subscribers Subscribe

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Link , Link , [So @realDonaldTrump owes a billion to banks ( with most being due in 2021-2024) But, yeah, let's talk about emails. #TrumpCrimeFamily], Link , Link , [Ron Reagan, son of former President Ronald Reagan and former first lady Nancy Reagan, tells CNN's Ana Cabrera that his father would "be horrified" by the Republican Party of today. He added that the Trump children are profiting off of their father's presidency as "grifters."], [Later in the segment, Reagan, an outspoken liberal, nonetheless spoke fondly of his father’s legacy and said that Trump had “done a tremendous amount of damage” to the Republican Party. “When I think of my father, I think of words like integrity, decency, dignity, honor, and patriotism — not nationalism but patriotism — all of those qualities are in very short supply in this White House. And, frankly, the Republican party has been complicit in degrading those values.”]

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