8 Ex-Trump Voters Tell Current Ones Why They Should Oppose Him "Trump is a fr...

deafguy55     October 16, 2020 in ASL 42 Subscribers Subscribe

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Link , Link , Link , Link , [Trump’s hourlong appearance on NBC, which drew criticism across the industry and even an angry letter from top talent and showrunners who work with NBCU, appears to be trailing Biden’s 90-minute session with ABC in the ratings, even with the cable news networks factored in. Biden is so far averaging 13.9 million total viewers on the Disney-owned network alone, while Trump is at 13.1 million across NBC, MSNBC and CNBC combined. In early numbers for the two cablers, MSNBC drew 1.7 million viewers and CNBC around 700,000, meaning that Biden is currently beating Trump 13.9 million to 10.7 million in the direct broadcast battle.]

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