#ElectionTips2020: National Party Platforms

NAD     October 16, 2020 in ASL 20 Subscribers Subscribe

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[TRANSCRIPT & DESC: NAD logo at the bottom right corner. Black background with a blue/gray ribbon slides in with black text “HOUSE REPS & SENATE?” and disappears. Another blue/gray ribbon slides in with black text “ELECTORAL COLLEGE?” and disappears. Another blue/gray ribbon slides in with black text “NATIONAL PARTIES?” and disappears. Another blue/gray ribbon slides in with black text “MAIN IN / ABSENTEE / ALL-MAIL?” and disappears. Another blue/gray ribbon slides in with black text “STRAIGHT TICKET VOTING?” and disappears. White “NATIONAL PARTY PLATFORMS” and bright blue “?” appear on the screen then Kim appears.

KIM: For example; Democrats, Republicans, and Libertarians. These are called a party platform. A platform is a list of their ideologies, visions, beliefs, and supports. Often platforms include positions on civil rights, education, environment, healthcare, economy, taxes, freedoms and more. We can read what each of the National or the State platforms have listed, we can look at the candidates’ party affiliation - we find the person we want to support by electing them.

Black background with bright blue “GO” and white “VOTE”. Video cuts to a dark blue background. Red alphabet letters of “N-A-D” in American Sign Language appear one by one in the center of the video. The copyright text appears in white underneath, “National Association of the Deaf, Copyright 2020, All Rights Reserved”.]

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