When the ‘Alt-Right’ Hit the Streets: Far-Right Political Rallies in the Trum...

deafguy55     September 8, 2020 in ASL 42 Subscribers Subscribe

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Link , Link , Link . [There seems no doubt that America’s far right is keying up for conflict in the lead-up and aftermath of the presidential election in three months’ time. Unlike at any time previously, they are enabled by technology to more effectively organize locally and incite violence as a collective enterprise; they have recruited military and security force veterans; in some cases, they seem to have implicit backing from police officers themselves; they have an apocalyptic and mobilizing hostility towards "Antifa" and BLM that is no longer a fringe position on the right; and they have a president floating the idea of rejecting an unfavorable election result. If Trump refuses to acknowledge the results, his militias are certainly prepped to come out into the streets to prevent a peaceful transfer of power – or, as the far right prefer to call it, a "Democratic coup."], Link , Link

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