MeidasTouch: #DJTHasNPD

deafguy55     September 8, 2020 in ASL 42 Subscribers Subscribe

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Link , Link , [Trump’s narcissistic personality disorder makes him the biggest threat to America’s security. ] --- [The lying, attacking, projection, deflection and gaslighting behaviors Trump has exhibited can be explained by his pathological, untreated NPD. Recent events show clearly that he cannot admit fault in any scenario. This is not a grand political strategy per se, although ‘showing strength’ and ‘always fighting back’ certainly have been an effective tool to convince dimwitted followers to support him. This is most clearly the case in times when admitting guilt would absolutely be in Trump’s own self-interest. ] --- [So now, Donald, instead of [insert Trump’s answer from above where he deflected or attacked someone else], the American people want to know: without blaming anyone else or attacking someone else, tell us a time in your Presidency where you did something wrong and are sorry about it. What was it, why were you wrong, why are you sorry, and what did you learn from it? And to the American people: Donald will not be able to answer this question because he is mentally impaired. He cannot do it. Let’s see if I’m right. Donald?”]

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