NowThis: Trump Says Wind Power Won't Work Because It 'Only Blows Sometimes'

deafguy55     September 2, 2020 in ASL 42 Subscribers Subscribe

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Link , Link , [President Trump, a self-proclaimed wind expert, says wind power won't work because it 'only blows sometimes.’ In US news and Donald Trump news, President Trump spoke out against wind power as a renewable energy source at his recent Trump rally. Many see wind farms as a potential way to fight global warming and climate change. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez has introduced the Green New Deal as a way to revolutionize renewable energy in the U.S. but it has many detractors, including Trump. Windmills have been disliked by Trump, the Trump administration, and the White House for quite some time, he even appeared on Fox News to tell these Trump lies. But with a Trump lie must come a Trump fact check. As Trump 2020 approaches we can expect to hear more opinions from Trump, wind mills and all.]

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