Canada no longer trusts the US, t...
deafguy55 Feb 07, 2025![Canada no longer trusts the US, the boycott against US products continues to grow. Billions in losses expected for the fascists to the south.](
deafguy55 August 25, 2020 in ASL 42 Subscribers Subscribe
Link , Link , [ Reed quotes Hosea 4:6: “My people perish for lack of knowledge.” Indeed. Sometimes, he gets the theology right. Political power should indeed be used “primarily to glorify God”. He quotes Psalm 146: “Put not your trust in princes.” And he wishes that whatever the outcome of the 2020 election, “We will glorify God and be witnesses in our time for the transcendent, heavenly values that can transform society today.” That is a noble vision, far removed from the “muck and mire of politics”. In the end, there’s not really much of a case for Trump here.]