COVID-19: Accessible Remote Work Meetings

NAD     August 18, 2020 in ASL 20 Subscribers Subscribe

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What do you need to know about your accommodations while working remotely? We have a guideline for accessible remote work meetings for deaf and hard of hearing employees:

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[TRANSCRIPT: During the COVID-19 crisis, you may have switched from working in an office to working from home. As you work from home, you probably are meeting with your coworkers through a video conference system. By law, your boss must still accommodate you even if you work from home. Your boss must pay for any accommodations that you need to join the meetings. Your boss must provide an interpreter and/or captioning for the remote meetings if you need them. Your boss must make sure that you can understand and participate in virtual meetings. If you need to join a webinar for work, you should ask the webinar host about captioning and/or interpreters. You can share Gallaudet University’s guide on running accessible webinars with the webinar host -- you can find their guide at The guide will help webinar hosts understand how to better accommodate you. Before the webinar, you should test the webinar platform to figure out if you can see the interpreters and/or captioning. Even prior to having a job, employers must also accommodate you during the hiring process, video interviews must be accessible and designed to give you a fair chance of getting the job. If you are not given what you need to access remote meetings, please email Link .]

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