#NADYouthSummerSeries - Herbalism (BouquetofBasil)

NAD     July 28, 2020 in ASL 20 Subscribers Subscribe

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Rolling shots of three photos: firn needles, lemon balm and herb blend. Video fades to Michelle. Michelle is in front of a fenced backyard with trees.

MICHELLE: Hey! I’m Michelle (sign name) from @bouquetofbasil on Instagram. I am a clinical herbalist. What does a clinical herbalist do? We meet with people that want to be healthy and vital. They typically are ready to start their healing journeys. They might come to the clinic sick acutely with something simple like a cough, cold, or a sore throat. Or their illnesses might be chronic such as bronchitis, but only in frequent and longer time periods. Chronic illnesses can show up as food allergies or general allergies. Possible clients could be those that had just gotten out of a surgery and want to ensure they’re on the right track for recovery. They could have just sprained an ankle or broken a bone. There are so many various reasons why they would want to come to the clinic. Stress or anxiety. Basically, we work with them and lead them through their healing journeys. The approach herbalists use is with plant medicine. Plant medicine is the use of herbs. Herbs are grown on the Earth. The Earth is brimming full of food (fruits, vegetables, and nuts) as well as herbs. Herbs can be turned into potent medicine if we know how to use them right. Herbalism is the science (study) of herbs. It is about how the human body respond to herbs and how herbs function as agents in the body. The science of herbs is profound and once understood and used, humans and herbs become one. So we can be the healthiest versions of ourselves! Herbalism is not new. Plants have always been the way of medicine for thousands of years, ever since the Hippocratic times (460 BC). Herbs can be taken in different ways. One way is via tea; the fancy word for the method is ‘infusion’. In making an infusion, you pour hot water over plant matter (aerial parts, flowers, leaves). You can also make a decoction with harder plant matter (root, bark, berries). You wouldn’t be able to extract plant constituents from them if making an infusion. Also, there are tinctures, which are extracts made with stronger materials. There are topical applications such as salves, compresses, and washes. I can’t even begin to explain each one of herbs out there and their benefits. If I did, it would take me a three-hour video to do that and I don’t wanna do that! One of my favorite herbs is chamomile! If you have any questions regarding herbs, herbalism, and/or becoming a herbalist, feel free to contact me. Find me on Instagram, @bouquetofbasil!

Video switches to a photo of bee balm with title flickering of pixie dust "@bouquetofbasil". Video fades to black.

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