#NADYouthSummerSeries: Being Present (NDT)

NAD     July 19, 2020 in ASL 20 Subscribers Subscribe

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Thinking positive or being present? National Deaf Therapy shares why being present is important. #MentalHealth #DeafYouth #NADYouthSummerSeries

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[VIDEO DESC/ TRANSCRIPT: Megan is seated. There is a plant hanging on the wall on Megan's right.

MEGAN: I will share tips about being positive... To be honest, the idea of being positive can make you feel down or more anxious because we are obligated to feel that we need to chase or get "there". We feel we must be positive. That is not true. The goal is to be present. All of the experience or emotions you feel are important part to your life experience. The goal is to be present - that can help you focus on the experience or emotions you feel. When a situation arises, you can honor and become friends with yourself. For instance, you may notice that you have negative thoughts. You can reframe that with "oh, I notice that I feel negativity, hey, what do I need?" Ask yourself "what I need? what can I do to comfort myself." Maybe challenge some of those thoughts by asking, "is that true? Am I really lazy? Am I worthless?" No, challenge yourself to have positive perspectives. It is important that you pay attention to things in your life that reflects how you feel inside. You can challenge or analyze if it's true, if we want to continue that or how I can change the perspective of myself or how I can change my perspective of others. Be present. That way, you will have an healthier relationship with yourself and others.

Video fades to National Deaf Therapy logo.]

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