The Cuomo Effect

Gunslinger     July 18, 2020 in ASL 1 Subscribers Subscribe

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Hello, I'd like to talk about something that I noticed lately. You know my governor Andrew Cuomo of NY State has his own style of leadership during COVID-19 right? He would start his briefings with a PowerPoint lecture while seated at a table with 3 or 3 of his cabinet (or staff) members. Then he would use the powerpoint slides to drive his point about how NY or America is doing with COVID-19 right? Cuomo's PowerPoint presentations were usually simple and right to the point. Easy to understand right? When this pandemic started, Many states thought his style was not necessary; opting for a straightforward press conference with no PowerPoint slides or anything. Just a lot of talking. Know what happened? Cases spiked in most of the states since then. Why? Because most governors thought their ways of doing press conferences was good enough; not realizing that most of the people that they represent are idiots. So, when the spikes happened, most of the governors were like "Oh shit, we have to take the Cuomo approach" and shifted all their style of presentation when it comes to COVID-19 to using a style similiar to Cuomo's. Hence the Cuomo Effect. Just an interesting observation when I watched CNN earlier today.

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