Which one? Church of God or Churc...
ChetBrock Oct 16, 20244396
ChetBrock July 3, 2020 in ASL 49 Subscribers Subscribe
So, what are qualities of a counterfeit Christian? This question is important. Much like fake money, fake Christians have no value. They flaunt a self-righteous attitude or selfless behavior. But, if you exposed their heart, you would find something different. Most importantly, as Jesus says in Matthew 7:24, eventually counterfeit Christians will be exposed.
Title: You're stuck. Period.
Title: Eph. 4:5 one faith.
Title: Gal 5:20 Hearsay= Sects Link 1
Title: Are You Follow Christ? Link 1
Title: Faith G4102 Link 1
Title: kjv=C. of E.! woe but...
Title: sects=wrong doctrine(s)
Title: Knew it you are selfish!
Title: you depend Man than God
Title: SDA
Title: no believers b4 Lutheran
Title: accident
Title: Baptismal Vow SDA Link 1 Link 2
Title: God kept His words
Title: no plm
Title: Jesus and Commandments Link 1
Title: Coolstarman85
Title: Is Jack as Antichrist?
Title: we must read Daniel,Rev Link 1