Which one? Church of God or Churc...
ChetBrock Oct 16, 20244369
ChetBrock July 3, 2020 in ASL 49 Subscribers Subscribe
So, what are qualities of a counterfeit Christian? This question is important. Much like fake money, fake Christians have no value. They flaunt a self-righteous attitude or selfless behavior. But, if you exposed their heart, you would find something different. Most importantly, as Jesus says in Matthew 7:24, eventually counterfeit Christians will be exposed.
Title: Just test ------>
Title: Body of Christ of what?
Title: New Agreement.
Title: new agreement what?again
Title: ForJackASS! you catholic
Title: Is jack counterfeit???
Title: He's very stubborn!!! Link 1
Title: We love you but...
Title: And Others!
Title: 2 Timothy 4:3-4 ???
Title: Pls look #5
Title: test 4 photo if work Link 1
Title: Look up #52 ^^
Link 1
Title: think carefully!!
Title: Church of England?→ Link 1
Title: follow them or Christ?
Title: Answer my question.
Title: I did study few years.
Title: Now, not later.