The NAD and the Attack on Section...
NAD Feb 20, 2025
NAD July 1, 2020 in ASL 20 Subscribers Subscribe
President Melissa announces October 1-4, 2020 as the dates of the virtual meeting of the Council of Representatives (COR). We welcome NAD members to consider submitting a resolution, new priority motion, bylaws amendment, and an application to run for a Board position. If you have any questions about the dates or COR in general -- please contact your Region Representative. If you have questions about any of the four forms, please contact the responsible committee involved.
- Submit a resolution (by August 1, 2020): Link (questions can be emailed to Link )
- Submit a priority for 2020-2022 (by August 1, 2020): Link
(questions can be emailed to Link )
- Submit a Bylaw Amendment (by August 1, 2020): Link
(questions can be emailed to Link )
- Run for a position on the Board (by August 15, 2020): Link
(questions can be emailed to Link )
TRANSCRIPT: Hello! I’m excited to announce the dates for the 2020 Virtual Council of Representatives (COR) meeting, which are October 1-4, 2020. The COR meeting has four parts: official meeting, Bylaw amendments, Elections, and the Forum. The COR meeing will happen on those dates, which are Thursday-Sunday. The Bylaw amendments discussion and Election will happen during the COR meeting, in which only Delegates can participate. Priority motions will be placed into specific tracks to be discussed in the Forum, which any and all NAD members can participate. The Forum is for NAD members to review and discuss the priority motions. The Forum is when NAD members discuss and reduce the number of priority motions, which are then given to the Delegates to debate on and then vote to decide the top five priorities. We have three new pages to share: how to submit a priority and resolution motion; how to submit a bylaw amendment; and Elections information. Bylaw amendments must be submitted 60 days before the Council of Representatives meeting, which means August 1, 2020 is the deadline. Please review all these pages. If you have any questions, please contact the responsible committee involved.
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