Really American: The President knows the threat. He knows what to do to preve...

deafguy55     June 28, 2020 in ASL 42 Subscribers Subscribe

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Link , Link , Link , SEE>(This is about survival. This is an existential threat to who we are. The coming election pits Joe Biden & Democrats who seek to preserve and save our nation against Republicans who have demonstrated they are willing to destroy it if it serves them, their friends & foreign allies. If Biden loses, if Democrats do not regain the control of the Senate, if Democrats do not maintain control of the House, the corruption will remain, those who betrayed us will remain, the threat will remain. If, in addition, those responsible for these crimes and abuses… …are not held to account, we will leave the door open to future abuses. We will set a precedent that American politics is not about preserving ideas, ideals, the country or American lives, but is instead merely a contest for power standing for nothing, putting millions at risk. Rouse yourself from illusions of normalcy, shake off the day-to-day monotony of Trump’s narcissism, stupidity, incompetence and corruption. Force yourself to see what this week yet again has revealed what is at stake. And the commit yourself to fighting back. Commit yourself–your time, your money, your energy–not just to a political outcome in Nov, not just to restoring control of our government to those who would actually serve & protect the people–but to fighting to save that country and to defeat our enemies at home and abroad.)

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