How Trump and his allies are profiting off the Coronavirus pandemic in 10 sim...

deafguy55     June 12, 2020 in ASL 42 Subscribers Subscribe

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Link , Link , Link , Link , Link , See>>(As the coronavirus (Covid-19) spreads throughout the United States of America. Trump has recently signed a massive 2 trillion dollar coronavirus stimulus package to help with the economic and health issues America is now facing. However, Trump and his allies are personally and financially grifting by exploiting American taxpayers. The massive 2 trillion dollar coronavirus stimulus bill has no oversight by either congress or an independent watchdog leading to unbelievable price gouging, fraud and corruption. While millions of Americans are in lockdown due to the coronavirus outbreak. In this video we explore the 10 simple steps that Trump is using the coronavirus stimulus package to line his and his allies pockets of potentially trillions of dollars due to the coronavirus outbreak. Just 10 simple steps is all it takes during the coronavirus outbreak to profiteer and grift.)

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