Did Trump break another law?

Drumpf Daily     April 18, 2020 in ASL 100 Subscribers Subscribe

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  1. ReplyTo:   Drumpf Daily
  2. ReplyTo:   Drumpf Daily
    Title:   Some carry guns/rifles
  3. ReplyTo:   DVTVGossipHumor
    Title:   What do you think?
  4. ReplyTo:   WonderGent
    Title:   Betsy DeVos
  5. ReplyTo:   Drumpf Daily
    Title:   Yes Trump Broke law BUT!
  6. ReplyTo:   Drumpf Daily
    Title:   VA Issues
  7. ReplyTo:   deafguy55
    Title:   Want their perspective

  8. Title:   Your thoughts?
  9. ReplyTo:   WonderGent
    Title:   Greg McNeilly   Link 1

  10. Title:   Trump doesn't care
  11. ReplyTo:   Drumpf Daily
    Title:   Yes, He broke the law!
  12. ReplyTo:   Drumpf Daily
    Title:   Gen. Patton = King Trump
  13. ReplyTo:   Drumpf Daily
    Title:   Nazi Flag ruin Trump's..
  14. ReplyTo:   Drumpf Daily
    Title:   But yes maybe belief God
  15. ReplyTo:   Drumpf Daily
  16. ReplyTo:   Drumpf Daily, JZ
    Title:   April 18- May 18 30 days   Link 1
  17. ReplyTo:   deafguy55, Drumpf Daily
  18. ReplyTo:   Drumpf Daily
    Title:   Tapprovedarmedinsurrecti   Link 1
  19. ReplyTo:   Drumpf Daily
  20. ReplyTo:   Drumpf Daily
    Title:   Yes break a law
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