President Donald Trump has consistently used the Office of the Presidency to ...

deafguy55     April 10, 2020 in ASL 42 Subscribers Subscribe

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Link , Link , Link , Link , See>>(“President Trump’s children have established a record of the worst kind of grifting. They have spent the past three years abusing their access to the most powerful office in the land to line their own pockets, funnel money to their spouses and girlfriends, financially benefit the family business and have leveraged their father’s elected position to advance foreign business deals,” said Jennifer Horn, co-founder of The Lincoln Project. “While their father has held the office of President, Ivanka, Donald Jr., and Eric Trump and Jared Kushner have run the family business like a mob enterprise, and it’s time someone held them accountable. The Lincoln Project will continue to do so as long as they continue to abuse the office of the Presidency for their personal financial gain.)

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