Remember Be Now Here Remember Here Be Now

wcmithaug     April 9, 2020 in ASL 30 Subscribers Subscribe

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Eckhart Tolle read one statement from the bible, Jesus says dig deep and rock ground stand in deep be stillness during storms....Dont dig in the sand otherwise you will fell.

Deepak Chopra -While we will experience uncertain we can do meditation, pray, international meditation, Be Quiet mind, Be Stillness--not force yourself be positive, it will trigger you, stress out.

Astrologer for the Soul (youtube) he says there'll be 2nd wave this Nov/Dec. You all make sure you cleanse your mind, soul and body then you can invite highest energy of vibration to come into your body, it will dissolve problems.

In Amma Own Words: "The more space we create in our heart for others, the more happiness and contentment we will feel. The law of the Universe and of life is selflessness."
"Darkness cannot remain for long. In due time, dawn will surely break out and shine."

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