Transferable Confidence

ewitty     March 27, 2020 in ASL 21 Subscribers Subscribe

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How confident we are is often just a proxy to the most recent, or most similar, reference point we have for a past experience of triumph. For endeavors that are unlike anything inside of our comfort-zone, our reference point for confidence is our bank statement, the sum total of deposits made into our Bank of Confidence. It’s the totality of challenges and experiences where we remember feeling small, insufficient, and incapable, yet stepped up to the plate. This video is about welcoming and creating opportunities for experiences that make more deposits, and less withdrawals, into your bank of confidence.

Also if you have people around you in life constantly making withdrawals from your confidence account — because once-upon-a-time you gave them access to your card and ATM number — cut your bank cards up and change your pin! Make a new budget plan for your confidence and start actively managing your self-worth! Make deposits in that savings account like your future depended on it, because it does!

You already have all the value, these deposits just allow you to better see, to more deeply recognize all that you’re already worth. I hope this msgs hits you like a direct deposit on a Friday afternoon!


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