Easter basket case Trump wants U.S. up and running by Easter or thousands cou...

deafguy55     March 26, 2020 in ASL 42 Subscribers Subscribe

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Link , Link , Link , Link , Link , Link , See>>(There were breaks between his appearances, but he kept turning up to talk about how he wanted America open for business again by Easter (a bad idea) or how the flu is deadlier than the coronavirus (it’s not). All of Trump’s statements made headlines. Even though most of his appearances were exclusively on Fox News, which took an even more reverential tone with him than usual, the things he said spread well beyond that channel. And here’s the thing: For as much as Trump evidently wants to force the country back open for business, no matter how inadvisable that plan may be, he’s getting exactly what he wants as the crisis drags on. He’s on TV all the time. He’s got a captive audience. He can say whatever he wants and the news networks will cover it.)

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