Was Messiah the Chosen-one or He is G-d?

GraciousTorah     March 26, 2020 in ASL 66 Subscribers Subscribe

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PowerPoint and study these passages and Happy New Year on Abib 1 (March 26, 2020). Closed comments until after feast and open on April 16, 2020.

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25 Video Comments

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  1. ReplyTo:   GraciousTorah
    Title:   DavidLee said "Like god"
  2. ReplyTo:   GraciousTorah
    Title:   Edoedo and his nose, ew!   Link 1
  3. ReplyTo:   GraciousTorah
    Title:   What is "chosen?"
  4. ReplyTo:   GraciousTorah
    Title:   #10 Godhead, Divine
  5. ReplyTo:   GraciousTorah
    Title:   JW teaches two God, god
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