“And now we’ve arrived on the brink of an existential crisis with leaders...

deafguy55     March 20, 2020 in ASL 42 Subscribers Subscribe

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Link , Link , See>>(You may like Trump. He may speak for you. He may be a branding genius and a world-class troll who sticks his thumb in the eye of a lot of folks who deserve it. But he is incompetent at president-ing. Coronavirus has made that crystal clear. I believe many of his supporters knew this already. They didn’t elect him to be an expert president. They elected him to blow everything up. And now he has. The good news? Now his supporters can stop pretending. They’ve accomplished their mission. We can all agree that the emperor who was elected because he has no clothes . . . has no clothes. It’s up to us now. Not the media. Not the establishment (whatever is meant by that). To listen to experts when they discuss matters we need them to discuss. To embody not just the virtues we promulgate when we’re yelling at one another, but actual virtues—honesty, goodness, care for others, respect, and—a thousand times over—humility. Our moment of reckoning is here. It will kill our eldest. Our infirm. Our most vulnerable. The only question that remains is: Are we ready to wake up?)

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