The Daily Moth 3-16-2020
The Daily Moth March 17, 2020 in ASL 97 Subscribers Subscribe
** CC PENDING. Transcript below in first comment.
March 16 Morning Coronavirus Updates: Over 3,800 cases in U.S.; CDC recommends no social gatherings of 50+ people for eight weeks; states closing restaurants and bars; Supreme Court to postpone March oral arguments; Fed cuts interest rates to zero; DOW Jones dives again; Italy healthcare system overwhelmed; warnings for U.S. to produce ventilators; E.U. considering restricting non-essential travel for 30 days
March 16 Evening Coronavirus Updates: 4,200+ cases in USA; Trump recommends no gatherings of more than 10 people; DOW falls 3,000 points; NY Gov. Cuomo’s ideas to combat crisis; first coronavirus vaccine trials; San Francisco orders people to stay at home; Idris Elba tests positive for coronavirus; 3 states to vote tomorrow; Canada closes its borders; Dem Debate recap
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