Food supplies/Canned Foods/Indoor- Stove -Butane
Joan March 14, 2020 in ASL 17 Subscribers Subscribe
Canned foods can up to years when the date due and no matter what date is, depend on how good condition and saw on text comments on YouTube.....I googled the indoor stove and it is new to me for Butane and it is like indoor stove, and need Butane Cartridge Storage.. Link . supplies: Gourment Meat Kit, Ready and Hour, The Survival Tabs, S.O.S. Rations Emergency, Augason Farms Lunch and Dinner Emergency Food, Wise Foods and Northwest Fork Glanten-Free, depend on how long for up to 30 days to 25 years? If order online for food supplies and the company will deliver to your place for 7 to 8 weeks, it can be $1.50 per serving...