CoBo #TriviaTuesday: oldest baseball field

NAD     March 3, 2020 in ASL 20 Subscribers Subscribe

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Rachel with a Chicago question for our #TriviaTuesday! Do you have a favorite trivia question? Tell us! #CoBo2020

[VIDEO DESC & TRANSCRIPT: Rachel is standing in front of a mountain landscape in black and white. A search bar with “#TriviaTuesday” appears with a mouse clicking on search. The NAD logo is at the top right corner. Video adjusts to color when it starts to play.

RACHEL: True or false? Wrigley Field in Chicago, the home of Cubs, is the oldest baseball field.

Clip of black background with search bar with “What’s the answer?”.

RACHEL: False! Fenway Park in Boston is the oldest baseball field!

College Bowl logo appears.]

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