Day 20 and Day 21of 40-Day Devotions 2020

TabletalkReader     February 22, 2020 in Religion 85 Subscribers Subscribe

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(From our church-wide devotion book at Pinedale Christian Church, "You 2.0”)

Day 20

Which of the warnings this week spoke to you most clearly? What will you do to address this area in your life?

In Proverbs 4:23, Solomon writes, “Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of your life.” What do you think it means to guard your heart?
Yesterday’s devotion talked about the importance of staying connected to others. Why is that warning against isolation so crucial to the other things on the list?

How is your heart? Stop and pray right now that God reveals what is true in your heart and heal it.

Other insight from this week: (Write down)

Father – Help me to guard my heart, because it is the wellspring of my life. Teach me to pay attention to what is happening inside of me. Forgive me for neglecting the spiritual health of my heart and heal me from the inside-out.
Father, give me attentiveness to notice warning signs as I walk forward, the wisdom to respond to them in the best way, and the courage to do what is needed to keep my heart healthy for You.

Day 21

Coaches are amazing people. They come alongside and help us see things from a completely different perspective. Their great gift to us is troubleshooting. They see the hitch in our step – our flaws – and then come alongside us to passionately help us overcome them.

The “OLD” you had some pretty destructive tendencies. The “pre-Christ you 1.0” was naturally afraid, given over to temptation, constantly side-tracked, unsure what to do and where to go, and hard-hearted.

This week, we will be looking at some of those natural tendencies and how to avoid them.
Picture the “new you 2.0” has just stepped into God’s gym. He knows that you’re afraid of ________________________.
What would “Coach Jesus” say to you? What training exercise would He put you on that reverses your fear?
The “new you 2.0” just stepped back into the old temptation of_______________.
Your new Best Friend – the Holy Spirit, puts His arm around You and says:______ .
Instead of crashing and burning for the 47th time in the same spot on the track of life, Coach Jesus pulls you aside and whispers: ________________________________________

As you sit in God’s coaching room, watching tapes of your mistakes on the field, He lovingly points out from the “on top of the field” perspective – something you’ve never seen before about your life. Now you are SURE that you must: ______ ________________________________________
As the marathon of life (not a sprint) enters the “hills sections”, and no one seems to be there to cheer you on, the “you 2.0” hears the fiery words of coach Jesus encouraging you on your race to “finish well.” What is He saying to keep your heart in the game?:
I challenge you this week to not only do your devotions, but to also come back to your answers above and see if they line up with scripture. Sometimes our old tapes – our old 1.0 programming – messes with God’s instructions and side-tracks our progress as we “ with endurance the race set before us.” (Hebrews 12:1).


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