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please use FACTS instead of your ASSUME ideas
Title: my understanding
Title: JW's False information Link 1
Title: HI to Prayer59
Title: Attn:GraciousTorah :)
Title: GraciousTorah: Look #4-5 Link 1
Title: See NWT in Heb. 4 Link 1
Title: Daily or Special--Lev.16 Link 1
Title: Matthew 12:9-14
Title: Lists on Sabbath issue
Title: GraciousTorah: look > Link 1
Title: from Gracious T vlog #
Title: Sabbath still ACTIVE! Link 1
Title: SS4>Read John 5:16-17
Title: Mark 2:27,28
Title: every1 still hold issue
Title: glad you join
Title: glad you join
Title: glad you join