Trump's Jealousy of Obama is Making Him Look Bad

WonderGent     January 9, 2020 in ASL 49 Subscribers Subscribe

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Trump talks about Obama since Trump ran for President. He's so jealous of Obama. He blams Obama for teh World's woes. Trump just would not let Obamam go. Trump needs to accept every decision he made as President good or bad. He cannot blame everything on Obama but himself. He is not man enough to admit his makes mistakes. Obama is no long our President. it is Trump now and needs to act like a "Real" President!

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  1. ReplyTo:   WonderGent
    Title:   ill obsessed president
  2. ReplyTo:   WonderGent
  3. ReplyTo:   WonderGent
    Title:   Trump's Obsession Link   Link 1
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  6. Title:   Thanks for the Link!
  7. ReplyTo:   ASLisGreat
    Title:   Thank for the Link!
  8. ReplyTo:   ASLfreedom 2
    Title:   Trump = Racist
  9. ReplyTo:   deafguy55
    Title:   DT Popular w/ Cartoonist
  10. ReplyTo:   WonderGent
    Title:   before and after same
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