It's Democrats! Not Democrates

WonderGent     January 4, 2020 in ASL 49 Subscribers Subscribe

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7 Video Comments

       Reply to WonderGent
    Tip: pressing the SHIFT key on your keyboard does the same thing as clicking this button
  1. ReplyTo:   WonderGent
    Title:   woot! yes burn it!
  2. ReplyTo:   WonderGent, crazyjeep
    Title:   You had colsed comment
  3. ReplyTo:   WonderGent
  4. ReplyTo:   crazyjeep
    Title:   War Red Flag raised
  5. ReplyTo:   WonderGent
    Title:   correct spell
  6. ReplyTo:   WonderGent
    Title:   just joking!
  7. ReplyTo:   Johnscifi47
    Title:   Knew you're joking
   Reply to WonderGent
Tip: pressing the SHIFT key on your keyboard does the same thing as clicking this button

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