2019-2021 Jr. NAD Ambassador

NAD     December 20, 2019 in ASL 20 Subscribers Subscribe

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VIDEO DESC and TRANSCRIPT: Annabelle is standing outside. She is centered. The NAD logo appears on bottom right corner.

ANNABELLE: Hi! I'm Annabelle Scroggins from Texas School for the Deaf (TSD). I'm the 2019 - 2021 [Jr. NAD] Youth Ambassador! I noticed that my school has diversity around here, but are deaf youth exposed about what diversity really means? No. So my platform idea begins with my school's Jr. NAD chapter. I'll establish a committee to work together. Once we set up a committee, we will get the school administration involved, and then the community. With the stakeholders involved, we will share the same goal. I also will work with Malibu Barron, TSD's Coordinator of Equality and Inclusion, for the next two years. I plan to host various workshops. I will also work on bulletin boards to display diversity-related topics on campus. I aim to build partnerships with different TSD organizations, and not limit this idea to only student organizations. For instance, I'd like to work with Parent-Teacher Staff Organization (PTSO), and few others organizations outside of school. Once all organizations are able to work together, then I hope to host a huge event: a Diversity Fair! The fair will have different booths, featuring different organizations, all in one place on the same day. This way, we will be exposed to diversity. I'm looking forward to the next two years! If you have any ideas, please don't be hesitate to reach out to me to share ideas and tips.

A blue transparent covers the video with text: "www.nad.org/youth"


Video cuts to grey background with the NAD logo quickly changing in different bright colors from teal to white to black to hot pink to green to orange to teal to yellow to purple to finally the official NAD logo with copyright text underneath “The National Association of the Deaf (c) 2019 All Rights Reserved”.]

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