deaf@work: AMANDA

NAD     December 18, 2019 in ASL 20 Subscribers Subscribe

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Ever wanted to be a mayor? Meet Amanda! #DeafAtWork

[VIDEO DESC & TRANSCRIPT: Amanda is standing in an office. The NAD logo is on the bottom right corner.

AMANDA: I thought of myself as someone who was usually behind the scenes. You know, supporting someone who was making the decisions. I’d research and understand the policies. That changed when I noticed there wasn’t enough younger people in elected positions, there wasn’t enough of our generation’s voice being heard. I decided to change my stance, if I was waiting for other people to do it -- why can’t it be me? So I went for it!

Black and white clip of Amanda’s desk name tag, “AMANDA FOLENDORF // MAYOR”. Next clip, Amanda is seated during a meeting with an iPad in front of her on the table. In the center, a white border surrounds white text “AMANDA” underneath, appears in white text “MAYOR.”

AMANDA: Hi, I’m Amanda Folendorf. I’m the current mayor of Angels Camp in California.

Black and white clip of Amanda seated during a meeting.

AMANDA: I grew up here in Angels Camp. I was mainstreamed at a local high school and then went to Gallaudet University for two years. I started my degree in Political Science there. I decided to take a break and come back to California. I finished my Political Science degree at Sacramento State University.

Black and white clip of Amanda going through papers at her desk.

AMANDA: While in college, I did a lot of internships at the state capitol, with senators, and different groups to build my experience. My family is also very involved in this community, I grew up watching my dad, my uncle, and my mom being involved in different parts of the community. After I came back home in 2014, I decided to run for Mayor in Angels Camp since they had two seats available. I told myself why not, I put my name in the hat and I won!

Black and white clip of Amanda seated with her back to the camera talking to a co-worker at their desk.

AMANDA: Believe it or not, I have a 9 to 5 job also! After work, I come here and work at the city hall. As a Mayor, working includes going to meetings, meeting with local community members, going to local farmers markets and meeting people. I talk with them about what issues they have and find out what’s happening in the community. I help host community halls and I’m involved with a lot of county boards, this includes working with city and county elected officials. We talk about regional issues. At Angels Camp, the Mayor position isn’t a full time job. While I’m committed as a Mayor, I’m also allowed flexibility. The demands are different like a big city would have different issues.

Black and white clip of Amanda seated at her desk.

AMANDA: The community isn’t used to someone who is different. It’s normal to them and personally, I’ve learned that educating them is the key. There are many times where I want to get angry and frustrated but often I take a step back and remember that most people have never met another deaf person before.

Black and white clip of the Angels Camp’s city hall.

AMANDA: Make your presence known and tell them you’re interested. That’s where you find your best jobs, they may not be listed online. Talk with people and tell them, “If something opens up, let me know!”

Black and white clip of a city hall meeting with audience seated. White text appears at the bottom center, “If you’re the first at something then don’t be the last.” Light blue text “- Amanda” and a light blue line outlines the left side of the text.

AMANDA: Build a solid foundation so you can boost other deaf people. At the same time you can educate the hearing people that it’s possible!

Black and white clip of Amanda going through papers at her desk. Next clip, Amanda is smiling during a meeting. Video cuts to grey background with the NAD logo quickly changing in different bright colors from teal to white to black to hot pink to green to orange to teal to yellow to purple to finally the official NAD logo with copyright text underneath “The National Association of the Deaf (c) 2019 All Rights Reserved”.]

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