February 3, 2025
superlamaine30 Feb 04, 2025
superlamaine30 November 27, 2019 in ASL 8 Subscribers Subscribe
" I thought I see Ghost in my room"
here what he said
Gotta to said something happened from last night is really SHIT!! it scared me and I mean it was so CHAMP!! ohhh it scare me fuck! scare serious!!
I doing from last night that I was cleaning up to make sure then checking internet till done then gone to bed and and sleep into deep it was good sleep till somehow just woke up and saw something was coming to me till saw it and start to screamed and freaking out!!!!! run to the stairs and call mom. LaHollis Hill shook his mom to wake up
LaHollis: mom? mom?
His mom: What? what? what?
LaHollis: there is a GHOST!! A Ghost is here ooooooo
His mom: what? what? what ghost??? where? where ghost?? serious??
LaHollis: yeah!!! its here!! ...it is in my bedroom upstairs!
his mom: what!?!? what?!?!?
his dad: where!? where!? in ghost? really ? really??
3 of us went to upstairs to looking where is the ghost is my dad and my mom is look for the ghost too then till dad found and then tell him to come here to see to show him and my mom got pissed off at me (LaHollis) then went to bed and I got scared. my dad was laughed at me and went back to bed.
LaHollis: scare and i thought it was ghost but NOT!!!!! wanna see what does look like? ... you better not funny! and here is plastic bag why cause of fan and air cond to make plastic bag fly around in his room and thought it was ghost but not it is trash bag but it is like plastic bag whatever its plastic bag
Im scare and thought ghost come toward to me into my body but not whew ooooo it was CHAMP! I really hate! not funny!
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