re: new other problem for clinton

WonderGent     October 21, 2019 in ASL 49 Subscribers Subscribe

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Yasharun brough more "unproved gossip type news VLOG" of FOX's Sean Hannity interview with President Trump. It looked Trump is more of babbling about asking AG Barr to start digging up about Hillary Clinton and the Dossier. Here we go again. Doesn't Trump ever learn his mistakes like the one he did with President of Ukraine when he hold the military assitance until he gets teh "dirt" on humter Biden. That got him backfired. He's still doing it again this time with Hillary. I bet hillary is laughing by now.

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  1. ReplyTo:   WonderGent
    Title:   FOX Link   Link 1
  2. ReplyTo:   WonderGent
    Title:   Sigh and useless
  3. ReplyTo:   SoloIsZOOOM
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