A Bit of Deaf History: How Do You Follow the “Rules” in History?

veditzkat     August 14, 2019 in ASL 13 Subscribers Subscribe

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Lately, I see some issues regarding how to use “rules” in history. Regardless of different deaf school locations, we still should count overall to celebrate because many deaf individuals put in effort to establish deaf schools. Especially the concern of how recent Alabama Institute for the Deaf and Blind recognize the “first deaf principal in 161 years” is inaccurate. A deaf principal, James A. Watterson, put in effort to establish Alabama Deaf School 167 years ago and was paid by Legislature. That school ran for 2 1/2 years before governor messed things up, but location was relocated to Tallageda from Robinson Springs (now Millbrook) and did not recognize him. Watterson is an example in deaf history to remember by.

I’ll be happy to share on history of deaf education by contact me through Link .

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