It all started with #DEAFTALENTSofColor.

queenjade     July 26, 2019 in ASL 0 Subscribers Subscribe

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Jade Bryan started the #DEAFTALENTSofColor movement in 2012 to raise awareness for deaf talent who identify as POC, Black and ethnicities, including those with other intersectional identities (LGBT+) who have been systematically boxed out of the Film and Television industry.

JADE is the original creator of #DeafTalent. Whether you white folks like it or not, period. When white people in the Deaf community shift the focus on them, Shade E. Black created the hashtag, #DeafTalentSoWhite, to make a point.

Jade continues to promote and raise awareness using hashtags, #POCDeafTalent and #BlackDeafTalent on social media to elevate their voices. Everyone know how white people like to erase our existence, take credits for something they didn't do, and center the spotlights on them. When white people go to great length to argue, smear, character assassinate and discredit a black deaf person, you really have to take a hard look at their flawed and wretched character. That included those who brown people who practice ANTI-BLACKNESS who seeks white validation.

As for anyone who participates in the erasure of #POC/Black Deaf Talent Voices, discrediting Jade's work, and taking away Jade's voice by shifting the focus on whiteness when using #DeafTalent, you are part of the white supremacist movement. You are racist. And when we become an afterthought because you do not want to appear as a racist, well, I hate to break it to you, you're still a racist. When you show us who you are, we believe you the first time.

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