Benefits of Bicycle Riding – Pedaling to your Good Health!

otismhill82     July 13, 2019 in ASL 11 Subscribers Subscribe

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I have always enjoyed a good bike ride, not realizing all the benefits of bicycle riding. These benefits are for both my body and my mental health. So now I will try to explain what I mean by this, and how it may help you and many other people too.
1. Cardiovascular Health
2. Sleeping Better
3. Cancer Reduction
4. Sharper memory
5. More Creative
6. Stress Reduction
7. Lose fat
8. Better Bones
9. Be Sick Less
10. Look Younger
11. Recover Faster
12. Live A Longer Life
13. Bicycling for better Mental Health
14. Helping other People
15. To sum it up

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  1. ReplyTo:   otismhill82
    Title:   Myself bicycle usually
  2. ReplyTo:   Topiary
    Title:   Just Watch Dietary!
  3. ReplyTo:   otismhill82
    Title:   Thank You

  4. Title:   Oh I see just undy
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