Son of Your Fathers

PatrickDSC     June 23, 2019 in ASL 6 Subscribers Subscribe

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Yahusha the Messiah inherited his titles as a human being. See for yourself the difference between "the son of man" and the son of God in Scripture.

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7 Video Comments

       Reply to PatrickDSC
    Tip: pressing the SHIFT key on your keyboard does the same thing as clicking this button
  1. ReplyTo:   PatrickDSC
    Title:   Last will be first   Link 1
  2. ReplyTo:   PatrickDSC
    Title:   FirstFruits and Sukkot   Link 1
  3. ReplyTo:   PatrickDSC
    Title:   Kurios-Theos   Link 1
  4. ReplyTo:   PatrickDSC
    Title:   Yahuah only/one God

  5. Title:   Abstract man thing 2

  6. Title:   Ezekiel   Link 1
  7. ReplyTo:   PatrickDSC
    Title:   Word became Spiritual
   Reply to PatrickDSC
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