YAP 101 -- Let's Get Started for 2020!

NAD     June 4, 2019 in ASL 20 Subscribers Subscribe

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We know you’re ready for the next NAD Youth Ambassador Program Competition! Check out our webpage for more information! #NADYAP #NADYAP2020
Find more information: Link

[VIDEO DESC & TRANSCRIPT: Chanel is standing in the NAD lobby. Bright blue “YAP” and bright pink “101” is on the screen. The NAD logo is on the bottom left corner. The “YAP 101” floats upwards as Chanel begins signing.

CHANEL: Did you know there will be another Youth Ambassador Program (YAP) competition next year in Chicago? Are you thinking about taking a part in the competition, but don’t understand how the process works? You want to know what the details are? How do the state associations pick their competitors? Not sure how budget works? We have all of the information ready for you on the website! We even have guidelines! If you still have questions, please to contact YAP at Link !

Video cuts to grey background with the NAD logo quickly changing in different bright colors from teal to white to black to hot pink to green to orange to teal to yellow to purple to finally the official NAD logo with copyright text underneath “The National Association of the Deaf (c) 2019 All Rights Reserved”.]

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