Which one of enoch, and mosheh, for YHWHs calendar ?

Yasharun     June 1, 2019 in ASL 19 Subscribers Subscribe

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Qoheleth / Ecclesiastes 7:11  Wisdom is good with an inheritance, and an advantage to those who see the sun. 
Ecc 7:12  For wisdom protects as silver protects, but the advantage of knowledge is that wisdom gives life to those who have it. 
Ecc 7:13  See the work of Elohim: For who is able to make straight what He has made crooked? 
Ecc 7:14  Be glad in the day of prosperity, but in the evil day take note that Elohim has also appointed the one as well as the other, so that man should not uncover whatever shall be after him.

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