#TipTuesday - Legislative Tip: Know Your Stakeholders

NAD     May 14, 2019 in ASL 20 Subscribers Subscribe

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Do you know your stakeholders? Learn more from Kim! #TipTuesday #NADLegislativeTip

[VIDEO DESC & TRANSCRIPT: Kim is standing in the NAD Headquarters lobby. The NAD logo is at the upper right corner.

“LEGISLATIVE TIPS” appears in white text inside a blue border box, “WITH KIM” is a transparent text inside a small white box.

KIM: When getting a group together to discuss a bill, an idea, or a policy change, who do you turn to? Your stakeholders. And who are your stakeholders? They are a variety of people that can be affected by a proposed bill. When a proposed bill affect their lives, their jobs, their families, their feelings -- they are your stakeholders. It is important to meet with them, even if they disagree or agree with you. Observe and engage.

A freeze frame of Kim with ‘discuss’ sign in pixelated blue overlay and gray background. Below Kim’s hands are black text “GET TO KNOW YOUR STAKEHOLDERS” in white banner.

KIM: When the time is right, you’ll know if the stakeholders will go with you in support or if there is opposition. This is important because you must be ready to discuss your stakeholders’ support or opposition.

A freeze frame of Kim with ‘go ahead’ sign in pixelated blue overlay and gray background. Below Kim’s hands are black text “MEET YOUR LEGISLATOR TODAY” in white banner. Video cuts to grey background with the NAD logo quickly changing in different bright colors from teal to white to black to hot pink to green to orange to teal to yellow to purple to finally the official NAD logo with copyright text underneath “The National Association of the Deaf (c) 2019 All Rights Reserved”.]

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