Ask Howard Anything -- April 2019

NAD     April 24, 2019 in ASL 20 Subscribers Subscribe

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What makes the NAD a legitimate organization? #AskHoward

VIDEO DESC & TRANSCRIPT: Howard A. Rosenblum is sitting at his desk. The NAD logo appears on bottom right corner as a watermark.

HOWARD: The National Association of the Deaf (NAD) is an organization that was founded in 1880. At that time the government did not monitor or have requirements for organizations -- there was no paperwork or rules expected of organizations in 1880. Not until the 1950's did the federal government and state governments start requiring organizations to register themselves. This registration is done at two levels. First, organizations needed to register in their state as a non-profit corporation. Secondly, after they complete their state registration, they can register as a non-profit at the federal level with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to receive their 501c3 status. That status allows organizations to receive tax-exempt donations and not pay taxes on any revenues. The NAD has had that 501c3 status since then and continues to have it today. To keep our status, we are required to stay on top of both state and federal level renewal processes. Depending on the state government requirements for the number of years between reports, organizations must renew their status. Back in the 1950s, we were incorporated in D.C. because at the time the NAD did not have an office. Once we established our headquarters in Maryland, we applied for a non-profit corporation in Maryland also and kept our D.C. certificate as well. We have transitioned to only having our non-profit corporation in Maryland because we didn't have any reason to keep our D.C. certificate. To renew our status, we are required to submit paperwork to both Maryland and the IRS. Like all other non-profit organizations, we have requirements to meet in both our state and the IRS (if the organization has a 501c3 status). Sometimes there may be a glitch in the paperwork, such as: outdated information, wrong address, different filing process, paperwork update, rule changes. Such glitches are common. This does not mean the organization has to cease its services and be shut down. Such issues in the renewal process often require the organization to resolve with the government agencies. When there are such glitches, the NAD works to resolve them and continue our advocacy work and do not stop our services. Through this process, the NAD continues to provide legal services, youth programs, education advocacy, legislative advocacy, Front Desk referrals, communication services, and more. We want to see the deaf community with all of its organizations remain strong during common paperwork issues that come up. All of our organizations can grow and remain strong during the renewal process and ensure correct paperwork is turned in on time following the various government requirements -- while continuing to providing services for the deaf community so that we can become stronger. Thank you.

Video cuts to grey background with the NAD logo quickly changing in different bright colors from teal to white to black to hot pink to green to orange to teal to yellow to purple to finally the official NAD logo with copyright text underneath “The National Association of the Deaf (c) 2019 All Rights Reserved”.

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