cards and notes with black maker

EnjoyAway     April 23, 2019 in Deaf Blind Challenge 18 Subscribers Subscribe

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17 Video Comments

    To comment, this group.

  1. ReplyTo:   EnjoyAway
    Title:   glad you help us learn
  2. ReplyTo:   GraceHeart
  3. ReplyTo:   EnjoyAway
    Title:   Stop by to say BIG HELLO
  4. ReplyTo:   DeafTeddyBear
    Title:   big hello teddy
  5. ReplyTo:   DeafTeddyBear
  6. ReplyTo:   EnjoyAway
    Title:   Thank yui for invite me
  7. ReplyTo:   YouEarnBetterThanMe
    Title:   Welcome here
  8. ReplyTo:   EnjoyAway
    Title:   I was wonder
  9. ReplyTo:   YouEarnBetterThanMe
  10. ReplyTo:   EnjoyAway
    Title:   umm and i have ..
  11. ReplyTo:   YouEarnBetterThanMe
  12. ReplyTo:   YouEarnBetterThanMe
    Title:   last part
  13. ReplyTo:   EnjoyAway
    Title:   cool, and
  14. ReplyTo:   EnjoyAway
    Title:   i have sort of
  15. ReplyTo:   YouEarnBetterThanMe
    Title:   3 reasons

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