President Updates / February & March 2019

NAD     March 29, 2019 in ASL 20 Subscribers Subscribe

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Melissa shares a summary about the NAD coordinating Mock Interviews on National Deaf Youth Day this year, Youth Leadership Camp Alumni Foundation (YLCAF) and YLC's 50th Anniversary, site selection for #NAD2022, 2018-2020 Priorities, and NLTC workshop topics.

VIDEO DESC & TRANSCRIPT: NAD President Melissa Draganac-Hawk is standing in front of a beige wall with a large black outline of a leaf hung on the wall behind her. Next to the leaf is a small 8"x8" colorful artwork that looks like a Peacock spread in place of a person's head/hair. The NAD logo appears on bottom right corner as a watermark.

MELISSA: Hi, I’m Melissa. I have several topics to discuss in this video update. Recently, on March 6th we celebrated National Deaf Youth Day! This is an important event that was established four years ago with the intention of celebrating deaf and hard of hearing youth and recognizing within our community examples of leadership, accomplishments, and volunteerism. You can support National Deaf Youth Day in various ways such as at your school or in the community. This year, the NAD coordinated for the first time Mock Interviews for National Deaf Youth Day at deaf schools and one organization, each in four different regions of the country. We invited representatives from different companies to participate in this event and engage with the students through different ways: a panel interview session, one on one job interviews , and a resume editing session. Isn’t that awesome? This was absolutely successful. Almost all of the students who participated had never experienced a job interview before. This event was important for the students to experience the interview process, and to get started on thinking about what career they want in their future. All the company representatives that participated were truly inspired and loved the opportunity to meet the students and learn more about them. All of the schools and companies that participated have already told the NAD they’re looking forward to next year! Next, our Youth Leadership Camp that happens every summer is celebrating its 50th anniversary this summer! This is a great milestone. I want to recognize the Youth Leadership Camp Alumni Foundation (YLCAF) for planning a spectacular reunion weekend that is open to alumni camper and staff as well as any other loyal supporter who wants to learn more about YLC. You can find more information on their website. Next, the NAD Board is thrilled to announce that we have selected Orlando, Florida as the NAD Conference site in 2022! Next, the Board and Committees are working hard on the 2018-2020 Priorities — we’re excited about the progress so far. We’ll be sharing an update report in the next NADmag issue — be sure to check it out. Next, the 2019 NAD Leadership Training Conference (NLTC) will take place this October. The Board continues to finalize workshop topics. If you have a specific topic to request, please let us know. We work hard on ensuring important and different topics are discussed based on your input. We are finishing up the details and will be releasing information online very soon. Thank you.

Video cuts to grey background with the NAD logo quickly changing in different bright colors from teal to white to black to hot pink to green to orange to teal to yellow to purple to finally the official NAD logo with copyright text underneath “The National Association of the Deaf (c) 2019 All Rights Reserved”.

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