What is the Johari Window Model?

deafguy55     March 10, 2019 in deafguy55\'s perspectives-generally Political News and Religions 42 Subscribers Subscribe

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Link , Link , Link , see>>(When someone exhibits behaviour that is perceived to be disturbing by their environment, it is good to give them feedback on it. For many, it can be very difficult to confront others on their behaviour. People are not always aware of their own behaviour, or perhaps they are aware of their behaviour, but will not easily admit it. Feedback is a good way to confront someone on their (disturbing) behaviour. The Johari Window Model or Johari’s Window can help with this. It provides insight into the behaviour of yourself and others. The Johari Window Model was created in 1955 by Joseph Luften and Harry Ingham. The name is derived from the first names of the creators. The Johari Window Model can help people to better understand their communication with others.)

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