DCARA staff open letter to the board.

christinekanta     March 9, 2019 in ASL 0 Subscribers Subscribe

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DCARA staff open letter to the board. Transcript below. Apologies for the GPS directions that pop up. I was screen recording because I knew the board would take down the video. I do not believe in silencing the people on the front line.


[Transcript: In early February, DCARA's Board President Judy Gough made a public vlog in which she first identified herself as DCARA Board President before she attacked a Deaf Black man and his minor child. We emphasize that the only issue here is the fact the vlog was made by Judy Gough in her role as DCARA's Board President.

In response, on February 22, DCARA staff met with the board and made the following demands:

1. A public apology to the Deaf Black man and his minor child by March 1
2. Immediate resignation by Judy Gough
3. A public statement of apology by DCARA’s Board by March 1
4. A public apology by Raymond Rodgers, DCARA’s executive director for lack of timely action by March 1
5. A written policy of zero tolerance for the abuse of power and privilege by March 8
6. The resignation of the entire board if the above demands are not met

It has been 14 days since DCARA staff met with the board and none of these demands have been met.

DCARA’s staff of color have been targeted and the work environment has become increasingly hostile.

Today, we would like to ask for the community’s support in ensuring accountability, transparency, and equity.

We DCARA staff are the heart of the agency. We are united in this statement. We shall not tolerate the abuse of power and privilege. We honor the lived experiences of communities, clients, and staff of color and are committed to providing services to any who enter DCARA.

We ask for the community’s support in demanding the immediate resignation of DCARA’s Board President, Judy Gough, for her actions and the resignation of the entire board. We ask for an immediate reinstatement of executive director, Raymond Rodgers.


[Video Description: 22 Members of DCARA staff in front of a white brick wall making a collective statement. There is an Apple laptop on a wooden table from which staff are reading the statement.]

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