US senators want report on Khashoggi killing from intel community

deafguy55     March 2, 2019 in deafguy55\'s perspectives-generally Political News and Religions 42 Subscribers Subscribe

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Link , see>>('The American people have a right to know' Seeking more information, Senators Ron Wyden, Martin Heinrich, Jack Reed, Chris Coons, and Kamala Harris, introduced legislation on Tuesday calling for a public report on the killing. "I and other believe that the American people have a right to know what this administration knows about this horrendous and gruesome killing," Senator Ron Wyden, lead sponsor of the bill and senior member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, told Al Jazeera. "Among the intelligence committees, I am not going to get into anything classified, but you are talking about open source materials, a prominent journalist murdered in a gruesome way," Wyden said. "As you know, the Senate voted in a way that suggest that" MBS was involved, Wyden added. In December, the US Senate voted unanimously on a nonbinding resolution that blamed to the Saudi crown prince. "For all practical purposes, the Senate is already on record saying what we thought happened," Wyden said. The proposed resolution would require the Director of National Intelligence to submit to Congress a report on the death of Khashoggi within 30 days after the bill is enacted. "Such report shall include identification of those who carried out, participated in, ordered, or were otherwise complicit in or responsible for the death of Jamal Khashoggi," the bill states.)

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