Intimidation, Pressure and Humiliation: Inside Trump’s Two-Year War on the ...

deafguy55     February 19, 2019 in deafguy55\'s perspectives-generally Political News and Religions 42 Subscribers Subscribe

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Link , see>>(The White House declined to comment for this article. The story of Mr. Trump’s attempts to defang the investigations has been voluminously covered in the news media, to such a degree that many Americans have lost track of how unusual his behavior is. But fusing the strands reveals an extraordinary story of a president who has attacked the law enforcement apparatus of his own government like no other president in history, and who has turned the effort into an obsession. Mr. Trump has done it with the same tactics he once used in his business empire: demanding fierce loyalty from employees, applying pressure tactics to keep people in line and protecting the brand — himself — at all costs)....(Trump Has Publicly Attacked the Russia Investigation More Than 1,100 Times President Trump has publicly criticized dozens of people and groups related to federal inquiries into contacts between his campaign and Russia, according to a New York Times analysis of nearly every public statement or attack on Twitter that he has made while in office. see this diagram)

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