A Guide to the Evangelical Celebrities and Pastors Dominating Hollywood

deafguy55     February 6, 2019 in deafguy55\'s perspectives-generally Political News and Religions 42 Subscribers Subscribe

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Link , Link , Link , see>>(These stylish, white evangelical pastors are leading a new religious organization in Hollywood, which looks cool and casual — everybody’s wearing streetwear and waving their hands to Christian pop-rock bands — but actually stems from the traditional Pentecostal movement. In each of these churches, there is a heavy focus on baptism, tithing (most now have convenient iPhone apps for this purpose), and the Bible. But the Pentecostal interpretation of the Bible is not always what millennials want to hear. Media outlets have questioned Lentz, Veach, Smith, and Wilkerson about their views on marriage equality and abortion, which more traditional Pentecostal churches rail against. The cool pastors, however, prefer not to share their opinions on these issues.)

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