Region I January 2019 Report

NAD     February 1, 2019 in ASL 20 Subscribers Subscribe

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VIDEO DESC & TRANSCRIPT: Both Liz Hill (left) and Steve Lovi (right), Region I Board Reps are standing in front of a black wall wearing NAD logo blue polo shirts.

STEVE: Hello from North Carolina (NC) and South Carolina (SC).

LIZ: Hi everybody, the NAD board had a very busy schedule here in NC and SC. The NAD Board had the opportunity to visit several deaf schools. Some board members went to the Eastern North Carolina School for the Deaf. After that, all of us had the opportunity to visit the South Carolina School for the Deaf and Blind, and then we came back up north to visit the North Carolina School for Deaf and Blind. So, there has been a lot of traveling! It has been a really enjoyable time visiting both states. While here, the board had an opportunity to talk with students, staff, community members, and parents. This visit was a really rich experience to meet people. We were also able to tour each of the deaf schools and had community forums to discuss issues with the community.

STEVE: The community forums we had in NC and SC were sponsored by SCAD and NCAD. We want to thank them for taking the time to host these two community forums.

LIZ: The feedback we received at the community forums was amazing! We really want to thank everyone for coming and sharing their personal experiences and concerns with us. Thank you so much. In addition to the community forums, we visited a NAD program, the Described and Captioned Media Program (DCMP). The DCMP is located in Spartanburg, SC. The DCMP offers captioned educational videos for children, parents, and educators. If you need to have a specific video captioned, contact the DCMP and they will process your request for free. The program has been in operation for a long time. We were honored to visit this program and tour the building.

STEVE: Also want to let you know about the National Leadership Training Conference (NLTC) coming up in October 17-19 in Little Rock, Arkansas. We hope to see you there. Keep a lookout for on the web and social media for more information soon.

LIZ: Steve is right, keep an eye out for our postings on social media. Also, please know that anytime you, as an individual member, community member, or member of your State Association need support, want to talk about concerns, or give feedback -- feel free to contact either one of us.

BOTH: Thank you!

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